Silver Girl

"Silvergirl with a golden heart
Sadly, love tore us apart
The same love we cherished so many times

Silvergirl, I know not what tomorrow will bring
The gentle kiss or the poisonous sting
That keeps hurting me in these trying times

I hate to see you, Silvergirl
With your head spinning in a whirl
And your heart fearing another deception

But I can promise you
My lonely nights are true
Waiting for a bit of your obsession

Hello Silvergirl, I'm your Tin Boy
I used to bend under the weight of world
The worries and the fears in the heart of a child

But now I see, my Silvergirl
That all of those things that used to crush me
Seem so much smaller with the joy of having you with me

So, Silvergirl
I know not what tomorrow will bring
But I'm hoping it is you forgiving me"

Alex Ennis

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